Supported by the domestic and international industry partners and government agencies, such as Mitacs, Canada Foundation for Innovation, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, the HPPM lab has been fully equipped to produce (cast and/or sinter), test, and analyze a wide variety of metallic materials. The on-site casting lab allows for production of permanent and sand mold castings which can be subjected to a number of custom or commercial heat treatments. Further, Dr. Sediako’s state-of-the-art material test system is capable of conducting complex fitness-for-service tests (tensile, staircase/multistep creep, and thermo-mechanical fatigue) up to ~1000 °C. The HPPM lab can perform thermal, phase, and metallographic analyses using optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope, differential scanning calorimeter, and an X-ray diffractometer and lab’s access to the international neutron diffraction facilities.
Hydrogen Testing



Mechanical Testing

Material Characterization

Sample Preparation